PODCAST EPISODE - Brené with Abby Wambach on the New Rules of Leadership Dare to Lead with Brené Brown

Recently I listened to a Brenē Brown podcast with Abby Wambach. Abby was the Captain of the USA Women's Football team and an Olympian  Podcasts are a challenge that I've set myself.  I find them a struggle and they're not something I've really dabbled with.  

After being set the first podcast in Brenē's series as part of Empower You. home learning for the Considering Principalship course, I thought I'd give them a go. I have a decent commute and thought this could be a great way to make use of this time.  This was the pod cast I listened to. 

Abby inspired me and I've ordered her book 'Wolfpack' to read over summer.  I've set a goal to read 4 leadership books over summer and reflect on these and make connections.

As it was a podcast it was difficult to take in key points but I was able to find some images from the podcast  afterwards that I connected with.

I connected with Abby's rules and agreed with all of them.  A first time Principal, Bernadette May who I recently listened to talked about her pack.  It affirmed for me as a leader it's okay not know everything but surround yourself with a pack who can help you when need it.  Build or find your pack and make sure they have skills that can help you. It's okay not to know everything, it's not okay to be open to learning new things.

This is so true, sometimes people don't rate you or think you have the skills or the opportunity has arrived yet.  Lead from where ever you can and smash it.  

I connected with this.  Often as a leader you feel left out and not part of the teaching team but no matter what you have to rise above and be the leader at all times.  Leadership is sometimes hard and mucky and you still have step up and lead even though you may think, it's not my role.  

This goes for a team especially in education, we are a team and it can be hard.  Calling out success and claiming it needs to happen so we feel good and others do.  This goes not just for women. 

This is true, when things go wrong we can learn from them. Reflection is an awesome tool.  When things go wrong and we FAIL, it's just a first -attempt - in - learning, we learn from the mistake and get back up and try again.  

I took a group of Year 8's to a Leadership Conference many years ago and the current Miss New Zealand was there and her message was to the kids 'fake it until you make it'.  I connected this message with this quote/message as it is how you portray yourself is what others see. 





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