
PODCAST EPISODE - Brené with Abby Wambach on the New Rules of Leadership Dare to Lead with Brené Brown

Recently I listened to a Brenē Brown podcast with Abby Wambach. Abby was the Captain of the USA Women's Football team and an Olympian  Podcasts are a challenge that I've set myself.  I find them a struggle and they're not something I've really dabbled with.   After being set the first podcast in Brenē's series as part of Empower You. home learning for the Considering Principalship course, I thought I'd give them a go. I have a decent commute and thought this could be a great way to make use of this time.  This was the pod cast I listened to.   Abby inspired me and I've ordered her book 'Wolfpack' to read over summer.  I've set a goal to read 4 leadership books over summer and reflect on these and make connections. As it was a podcast it was difficult to take in key points but I was able to find some images from the podcast  afterwards that I connected with. I connected with Abby's rules and agreed with all of them.  A first time Principal, Be...

A Challenge!

 I've recently completed Empower You. - Sean Bailey's 'Considering Principalship' professional learning through UC Plus in Christchurch and one of the challenges he set was creating a leadership blog.  I've always had a blog for PLD and thought this was a great idea to record my pondering, reading, thinking and learning.   Sean's PLD was awesome learning and challenged my thinking.  So... My Leadership Journey blog starts here!